Interested in volunteering?
Would you like to share your time, talents or treasures with the
Delmarva Community Services, Inc. community?
Delmarva Community Services, Inc. community?

1. If you enjoy bringing a neighborly sense of community to senior citizens who may be home bound, assisting with Meals on Wheels delivery may just be the volunteer activity for you! Senior Services delivers 300 meals across Talbot, Caroline and Dorchester Counties each day. Currently, we need two or three volunteers to assist with meal delivery in Dorchester County.
Please contact Arlene Maoney if you would like more information, 410-221-1900, ext. 221
2. Do you play a musical instrument, have an artistic gift or unique collection or hobby you would like to share with participants in the Senior Services or Sprouts Childcare Early Learning programs? Please contact Arlene Maoney to explore opportunities to share your gifts with Senior Services (410-221-1900, ext. 221) or Breona Elliott for Sprouts Childcare Early Learning (410-221-1900, 401).
Photo to the right-Participants enjoy coffee with a cop!
3. Do you own a business or are you a human resources manager who would like to present a Meaningful Day program for individuals with disabilities seeking to acquire information, learn skills and gain experiences in order to make voluntary, informed choices. Or, would you like to explore hiring one of our clients? Please contact our Employment Counselor at (410) 221-1900, ext. 406.
Photo 1 A furry friend sharing the love!
Photo 2 Teens and seniors learning the basics of knitting.
Photo 3 A fresh produce delivery to seniors included a cheerful bloom!
Please contact Arlene Maoney if you would like more information, 410-221-1900, ext. 221
2. Do you play a musical instrument, have an artistic gift or unique collection or hobby you would like to share with participants in the Senior Services or Sprouts Childcare Early Learning programs? Please contact Arlene Maoney to explore opportunities to share your gifts with Senior Services (410-221-1900, ext. 221) or Breona Elliott for Sprouts Childcare Early Learning (410-221-1900, 401).
Photo to the right-Participants enjoy coffee with a cop!
3. Do you own a business or are you a human resources manager who would like to present a Meaningful Day program for individuals with disabilities seeking to acquire information, learn skills and gain experiences in order to make voluntary, informed choices. Or, would you like to explore hiring one of our clients? Please contact our Employment Counselor at (410) 221-1900, ext. 406.
Photo 1 A furry friend sharing the love!
Photo 2 Teens and seniors learning the basics of knitting.
Photo 3 A fresh produce delivery to seniors included a cheerful bloom!